Linguistics, Literature

Linguistics, Languages,

Literary Studies

German Grammar Workbook: Adjective Endings, ein-words, der-words

German Grammar Workbook: Adjective Endings, ein-words, der-words
By Ulrich Becker. 118 pages.
ISBN 9781595694287.

This workbook for students of German (levels A2, B1 and beyond) explains the rules for adjective endings in an easy to understand, not too academic way. In a step-by-step approach, each new rule is accompanied by numerous exercises.    
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Sten Joahnsson: Marina che la limo. Romano verkita en Esperanto

International Planned Languages
By Detlev Blanke.
288 pages. ISBN 9781595693778.

Linguistic Essays: In his publications, Blanke gives an overview of the history of language creation. He describes the most important planned language systems and presents various systems of classification. A special focus is put on Esperanto initiated by L.L. Zamenhof in 1887.
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Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto - by Geoffrey Sutton.
740 pages. ISBN 9781595690906.

This outstanding work of scholarly reference charts the evolution of the original literature of Esperanto, from its humble beginnings in 1887 to its worldwide use in every literary genre in the present day. The work is a revelation for students of comparative and world literature. (Hardcover, jacket, 9" x 6")
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Vollständiges Wörterbuch Esperanto-Deutsch
(Plena Vortaro Esperanto-Germana)
By Erich-Dieter Krause.
1512 pages. ISBN 9781595693792.

Das gegenwärtig umfangreichste Wörterbuch der Plansprache Esperanto umfasst mit etwa 150.000 Einträgen den gesamten Esperanto-Wortschatz nicht nur der Alltagssprache mit zahlreichen Wortverbindungen und Beispielen, sondern auch aus allen Fachsprachbereichen.
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English-Esperanto-English Dictionary
By John Wells.
508 pages.
ISBN 9781595691507 (hardcover, jacket).
ISBN 9781595691491 (perfect bound).

Concise yet comprehensive dictionary, with coverage of all the words you need, including many technical terms. Contains both Esperanto–English and English–Esperanto sections, with a total of over 30,000 entries. With a grammatical introduction.
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Esperanto - Terminologie und Terminologiearbeit.
By Wera Blanke.
156 pages. ISBN 9781595690777.

Texte in Deutsch und Englisch. With contributions in German and English. Collection of texts about Terminological standardization, its roots and fruits in planned languages; i.a. about the influence of interlinguists Eugen Wüster and Ernest Drezen on the development of international terminology standards.
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Tetum. A Language for Everyone.
By Yohanes Manhitu. 140 pages.
140 pages. ISBN 9781595693211.

Textbook: A Comprehensive Course Book for English-speaking Learners of Tetum. Each lesson consists of a dialogue, followed by essential vocabulary, grammatical or conversational notes, and exercises. With a concise phrasebook and a two-way dictionary.
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The Critic as Artist: 
Upon the Importance of Doing Nothing and Discussing Everything

By Oscar Wilde.
124 pages. ISBN 9781595690821.

Essays: "Criticism is itself an art." This is one of the singular arguments in what must be one of Oscar Wilde's most compelling critical dialogues ever published. 
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Interlinguistik und Esperantologie.
By Detlev Blanke. 140 pages.
242 pages. ISBN 9781595692023.

Bibliografie: 53 Jahre an Veröffentlichungen: Zweisprachige Bibliographie (Esperanto und Deutsch) von einem der wohl aktivsten Interlinguisten, Esperantologen und Organisatoren der Esperanto-Bewegung, Detlev Blanke.
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